Upcoming Events
New OSCE Cases Discussion
Due to recent alleged changes in the exam questions- Team Dental101 has decided to conduct a seminar to discuss how to incorporate these changes into your preparations.
Our amazing team will be present to answer your questions/ concerns. Candidates with exams in February will be given preference.
Registration ONLY event.
How to get your FIRST JOB IN AUSTRALIA !
Have you recently moved countries?
Come and attend this seminar !!
Our speakers Mr. Naishadh Gadani- Unemployment warrior and Dr. Deepesh Sanduja – a Successful Entrepreneur will give their secrets to success and strategies of how to “Get your foot in the Door” ….
This talk is NOT Industry specific and will be beneficial for anyone trying to “Get their first JOB “
Register on eventbrite or call us on 0451017076
Open Day
Do you have any questions or Not Sure where to start from?
We welcome you to join us on our Open Day on 15th February 2020 at 11 am and get all the help and professional guidance you need. Discover how we can help you to get ready for your ADC exam.
Exam-oriented training by an experienced team of instructors.
Registrations are mandatory. Don’t wait, Call us on 0451017076 or email us at info@dental101.com.au sign up right now!
Radiography Demo with Dr. Deepesh Sanduja
Due to the recent and continuing devastating events across the wonderful country of ours.
We are trying to help in whichever way we can.
Dental101 and League101 are proud to announce all of our proceeds from Radio Demo on 24th January will go towards Bushfire relief efforts.
Looking forward to your support…
Max of 2 candidates in a 60 min session on digital x-ray and phosphor plate system.
Call us now to book on 0451017076 or email us at info@dental101.com.au.
Information Seminar
Date: Sunday 10 November
Time: 12 pm
Information Seminar on ADC Part 2 Exams
For more information call
045 101 7076 or email us at info@dental101.com.au
Orientation Seminar
Date: Saturday 12 May
Time: 4 – 6 pm.
Free Orientation Session on Part 2 Courses
For more information call
045 101 7076 or email us at info@dental101.com.au